Sciabica L1

Stainless steel tap With Bianchetto lever
Material: machined from solid stainless steel for turning and milling.
Type of steel: AISI 304 stainless steel
Terminal covered in technopolymer.
It has no internal brass parts.
Kitchen mixer compliant with the so-called “Water bonus”, Law 178/2020 art. 1 paragraph 63 b, with standard flow rate equal to 5 liters per minute.
On request, flow rates 7 l / min and 8 l / min.
Dimensions: download the technical sheet

Sciabica is the result of an excellent functional, ergonomic project, in which the model becomes an aesthetic value. The mixer control is frontal. It can be controlled without hands ever intercepting the water flow, even when moved to spray different points of the basin, a detail which improves ergonomics and usability. The idea is based on the model of a street fountain where water emerges if you press the button. I wanted to create a tap that design professionals would appreciate. Even today, these fans order Sciabica in its many finishings and variations.


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